DG to the Moon (DGMSB10)Audio: https://madsound.com2021-02-03 06:28:35
OvervacWhile The Overlords have a success record of 0 from 10 attempts, its all we know and will ever know. So we accept, we do not question, our role is to shame the deniers. This is our way. This is the only way.2021-07-12 07:57:29
DG2016_03In late 2016 I was going to work on a new Designgraphik serving, but I lost focus and shelved it, forgot about it. Here a few clips from that idea, time to let them go.2021-07-21 01:10:19
05242011Rendering from May 24, 20112019-10-18 09:38:16
05052012Simulation render of the object and particles created for the Eight Insides Nanamee renders: http://ywft.net/n42019-10-18 09:38:43
Crash and SplashCrash and Splash2022-02-01 03:11:07
The Ripple Creators Fund CommissionA series of renders and animations commissioned by Ripple for their The Ripple Creators Fund project (early and mid 2021). #xrp2021-11-23 08:52:51