OvervacWhile The Overlords have a success record of 0 from 10 attempts, its all we know and will ever know. So we accept, we do not question, our role is to shame the deniers. This is our way. This is the only way.2021-07-12 07:57:29
Remnants of Observation - Guardians
Remnants of Observation - Silence
Remnants of Observation - Whispering
The Cure
Splice 3 (2012)
Remnants of Observation - Vigilance
Yesterday 08302021
The Collapse is NearThe system is crumbling, the dream is not alive, a nightmare of change is brewing. But there is hope, its simply over there. Just follow us to the new fields, and we will show you the ways.2021-04-22 02:52:38