Not The Final BossNot The Final Boss2021-06-09 08:36:41
The Injection Wars
The Zango Litigation
Manufacturing Fear (Wireframe)Manufacturing Fear (Wireframe)2022-01-18 06:26:10
Fleeting SympathyThe motion output of a still image work created in 2020.2022-10-14 02:53:21
Squashed by Neckbeards
Chasing Dreams (4K)Audio by https://madsound.com2021-01-10 06:31:45
DG2016_01In late 2016 I was going to work on a new Designgraphik serving, but I lost focus and shelved it, forgot about it. Here a few clips from that idea, time to let them go.2021-07-20 05:43:45